How Travel Informs My Creative Process

Jessica Steddom is an incredible digital and film photographer based in Nashville. She has had the pleasure of experiencing numerous locations around the world, as she perfects her craft. Tune in to learn how traveling has informed her creative process, and yes, you will want to teleport into every photo.



Hey guys, it's Jessica.

Seeing different parts of the world opens up my creativity because it brings excitement and wonder to my process. When I arrive in new places I am paying attention to every little detail and creating a mental note of the beauty in that space.

Capturing the beauty of these places is an interesting mission though because you can almost never fully capture what it feels like to be there- I like the challenge though.

Looking for the moments large and small to piece together creating an overall essence of the experience informs how I photograph for all clients. 

Traveling to new spaces and places makes me want to be fully present and drink it all in- a lesson for the more mundane parts of life.I try to bring this energy to the rest of my life when I am not traveling because being more aware I am of beauty in everyday life makes it more enjoyable to live.What if the color of the leaves and the way the light hits my walls in my house took my breath away and made me audibly gasp.

Traveling truly energizes me in a way nothing else does. It reminds me I can grow and change my process. My life doesn’t have to be linear but weaving through different places and people.We are a sum of who we are with and where we are and I’ve found it so special to keep growing and changing. Mostly because of the people and cultures that are shockingly different - that feel like a cold shower.

xx, Jessica.





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